Tuesday, September 25

Leonhard Euler

Mathematician Leonhard Euler, who can go fuck himself. He thinks he's so great. I'll rot in hell before I ever call natural log base "e" the "Euler Number". I guess John Napier didn't discover "e" in 1614, right? Yeah, you tagged value 2.718281828459045 as "e" - 120 years later. Dipshit. God you are such an asshole.

Tuesday, September 4

Half glass full - 52% cracker?!

Your Score: Cracker Alert!!

You are 52% White

Theres no hiding how white you truley are. But thats nothing nessicarily to be ashamed of, UNLESS you actually arent white... then you should bow your head in shame.

Link: The How White Are You Test written by alleyandbrandon on OkCupid Free Online Dating, home of the The Dating Persona Test